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Perhaps like you, I can hardly believe that we have already marked Remembrance Sunday (last week) and are almost at the Feast of Christ the King (next weekend). The strangest of years is almost at an end (please God, is there light at the end of tunnel?) Perhaps later we will have a better opportunity and perspective to make sense of just what has happened and how we have truly experienced it. For now, the lockdown goes on. Thank you for your prayers, support, love for each other, and kind messages which are shared throughout the parish. Let us persevere together! Finally, please keep me in your prayers next Sunday which will be the twelfth anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood; twelve years that have also gone by very quickly! God bless you all.

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Monday-Friday 12 noon; Saturdays 6pm; Sundays 10am (extra Mass Tues 10am this week)

Fr Johnson will also celebrate Mass in Malayalam every evening at 7pm online.

Wednesdays 12.30pm-2pm; Fridays 12.30pm-2pm; Sundays 10.30am-12 noon.

Today is Remembrance Sunday when we pray for all those who died in war. The 10am Mass on Sunday will be a Requiem Mass. Please join us online and in prayer.

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Today, 1st November, is the solemnity of All Saints. This is the feast of the saints in
heaven - God’s heavenly city, the new Jerusalem, to which we are all headed. Tomorrow is All Souls’ Day. This is a day of prayer for all the faithful departed—the Holy Souls. On All Souls’ Day (Monday) we will have Mass at 12 noon and 6pm. At each Mass we will present our Book of Remembrance as we pray for our deceased loved ones and friends. November is the month of the Holy Souls. We will continue to offer prayers and Masses for the faithful departed throughout the month.

I had a lovely visit to St Dominic's Sixth Form College in Harrow this week. I visited their principal and their chaplain, and celebrated Mass with a handful of students, which was recorded for the wider college community. It has been great to see so many schools, colleges, teachers and pupils return to what they do best, and do it so safely. I can hardly believe it is half-term already!  Well done and thank you to all who have worked so hard to enable our schools to operate so successfully. These days, running schools (like parishes, deaneries and dioceses!) is an exhausting enterprise for everyone involved. I hope that everyone involved is able to get some respite in the coming days and come back slightly more refreshed. Have a safe and happy half-term break!

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Everybody is reminded of these essential procedures:  
HANDS (use the hand sanitiser on the way in and out of church)
FACE (wear the face covering – it should be fitted properly over mouth and nose)
SPACE (observe social distancing everywhere, including inside and outside church) 


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Congratulations to our first group of young people who celebrated their Confirmation on Friday evening. Please keep them in your prayers, and those who will be Confirmed over the next two weeks. Please also pray for the children receiving their First Holy Communions at this time. This weekend Carlo Acutis will be beatified in Assisi on Saturday 10th October. Carlo was born in London in 1991 and baptised in Fulham, and then his family settled in Milan. He was a young man of great faith who was devoted to the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. When he was diagnosed with leukaemia he offered his suffering for Pope Benedict and the sake of the Universal Church. He died in 2006  aged 15, and the Church quickly recognised his heroic virtue. Please look out for him on the internet and media. More importantly, let us ask for his intercession for our parish and all our young people in their own journeys of faith. We’re all called to be saints!

In the parable of the wicked tenants, Jesus reflects prophetically on his own future and the coming fulfilment of his Paschal Mystery - that the stone rejected by the builders will indeed prove to be the keystone. Jesus is the cornerstone of God's building; he is the vine and his Father is the vinedresser; Jesus is the true key to life and salvation. The parable also reminds us of the precious responsibilities we all bear in caring for and protecting that which has been entrusted to us. This week, the new encyclical of Pope Francis will be published. Entitled 'Fratelli Tutti', the encyclical is a message for all brothers and sisters of good will. Among many themes, it will focus on human solidarity and the care we have for each other in the pandemic and post-pandemic world.

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In amongst all the doom and gloom on the news at the moment it is lovely to be able to share some good news!  On Tuesday we had a lovely celebration when the newly ordained Fr David Knight returned to celebrate a mass of thanksgiving.  This weekend we have the joy of welcoming Deji Oduyemi into the full communion of the Catholic Church.  Deji, who has been preparing for this for many months, will be received and confirmed and make his first Holy Communion at the 6pm mass on Saturday.  Jenella Rego will make her first Holy Communion at the 4pm mass on Saturday.  Congratulations to Deji and Jenella and we will keep them both in our prayers.

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Yesterday at the cathedral, David Knight, Alexander Balzanella and Axcel Soriano were ordained to the priesthood for our diocese by the Cardinal. David will go to Burnt Oak, Axcel at North Harrow, and Alexander will return to Rome to complete his studies. We send them our best wishes and congratulations. David will return here on Tuesday for a Mass of Thanksgiving. The tickets for this Mass have now all gone so please only come if you have ticket. Thank you for your generosity to his presentation. Best wishes to you all - keep safe and stay alert.

I’m sure you have all seen the news from the Prime Minister about the ‘rule of six’. Thankfully, these new restrictions do not apply to Masses here which can continue in the safe way we have developed. However, there are other ‘social’ elements to our life in the parish. We encourage parishioners to be cautious, especially about gathering outside after Mass. We are awaiting further updates on other activities, especially those which take place in the parish hall. Please continue to take care and keep safe—stay alert!

This week we started a new term and a new school year. Welcome back to everyone who is starting again at school or college. Thank you to the staff, governors and parents who are making sure that school will be safe and enjoyable for all pupils and students. We would also like to send our best wishes and congratulations for those who received their exam results and university places in difficult circumstances.