Acts 2: 1-11
We hear of the mighty coming of the Spirit, and see the Spirit’s power to transform people’s lives. 

1 Corinthians 12: 3-7. 12-13
We see the Spirit acting through all our ministries and talents, so that the Church may be healthy and strong. 

John 20: 19-23
The Apostles receive the gift of the Spirit, and with it the power, handed down in the Church, to forgive sins.

Acts 1: 1-11
Jesus ascends into heaven, from where he will return at the end of time. 

Ephesians 1: 17-23
Christ enthroned above all things is the hope of his people. 

Matthew 28: 16-20
Though hidden from view, Christ continues to be Emmanuel – God with us – God to the end of time.

Acts 6: 1-7
The apostles spread the load of ministry in the growing Church by appointing people with different skills to serve the Christian community. 

1 Peter 2: 4-9
Peter reminds us that we are all part of God’s precious family and called to serve the Lord in response to his gracious love. 

John 14: 1-12
Jesus teaches his disciples that he is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”.

Acts 8: 5-8. 14-17
People who hear the aspostles preach welcome the message of Christ, and receive the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. 

1 Peter 3: 15-18
People will hear and recognise the Gospel of Christ through actions as well as words. 

John 14: 15-21
We are not alone, or abandoned; the Spirit will be with us, to comfort, advise and protect us.

Acts 2:14.  36-41
In company with the other apostles Peter proclaims the resurrection and calls the people to repentance and baptism. 

1 Peter 2: 20-25
Christ has left us an example of patient acceptance of suffering, and has healed us of our sins. 

John 10: 1-10
Christ is the true shepherd of the sheep and the gate of the sheepfold.  Through him we enter into the fullness of life.