Today is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, but the mystery of the Epiphany continues to shine through the liturgy, making clear for us the meaning of the Word-made-Flesh, God among us. We will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation  on Candlemas Day, 2 February. Well done and thank you to all the children and their families who were enrolled in the First Holy Communion programme at the 11.15am Mass last Sunday. It was a joy filled celebration. Please keep them all in your prayers. We had a lovely celebration on Wednesday morning in thanksgiving for the life and ministry of Pope Benedict XVI. Please continue to pray for him, for Pope Francis and for the whole Church. Have a good Sunday and a nice week.

Today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, coming quickly after the feast of his Epiphany which we celebrated on Friday. These mysteries concern the revelation of Jesus as the Christ—the Messiah, God’s anointed one. Today we celebrate the revelation of Jesus who is anointed by the Spirit to undertake his threefold mission as Priest, Prophet and King, the One who would save God’s people from their sins. Today marks the end of the Christmas season, but the mystery continues to reach forward until 2 February, the Feast of the Lord’s Presentation. Happy Christmas!

As prayers continue to pour in from around the world for Pope Benedict we are asked by Pope Francis to keep him in our thoughts and prayers.

Welcome to Bishop Sherrington who joins us at all Masses this weekend. It is lovely to have the Bishop with us just before the great feast of Christmas and near the start of our parish centenary. Please make sure you make a careful note of the Mass times during the festive period. I send you every good wish and blessing for this fourth week of Advent and we look forward to seeing you all again at Christmas.

Today is Gaudete Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, when we are invited to rejoice at the Lord’s coming. Today we light the rose coloured candle on the Advent wreath. The colour rose is a lighter shade of purple, which represents our joy in the midst of Advent. Thank you to everyone who brought gifts and toys for the Catholic Children’s Society. We have had a great response. This week Bishop John will visit Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School on Thursday morning, and he will also join us at Masses here next weekend. Finally, if you are able to, please join us at St Paul’s Church, New Southgate, today (Sunday) for our joint carol service. God bless you all and have a great week.

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent when we meet again St John the Baptist. He comes with a radical call to repentance. We are invited to change our hearts to make way, and make room, for Christ who is coming to save us. Today we light the second purple candle on the Advent wreath. Thank you to everyone for your support last weekend for our great Christmas market. It was a wonderful and enjoyable event. Thank you to all our organisers and volunteers who gave so much time and energy! Finally, Bishop John Sherrington will join us at church on the weekend of the Fourth Sunday of Advent. We look forward to seeing Bishop John as he visits us just before the great feast of Christmas. We send you all best wishes for the coming week and for the beautiful Advent season.

Welcome to the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Church’s calendar! Advent is a season which prepares us, through the gift of hope, for the coming of the Lord into our lives. It also prepares us for the great celebration of his holy birth at Christmas. We have some free books for Advent, ‘Walk with Me’, in the church porch with reflections for every day of this special season. Today, after all Masses, we have our Christmas Market. Please do visit the hall after Mass. Finally, on Tuesday I drove the first consignment of Christmas gifts to the Catholic Children’s Society at Ladbroke Grove - thank you to those who brought gifts. There is still time to donate a gift for a child this Christmas, so please don’t forget what a difference this could make to a little person at Christmas. God bless you all and happy Advent!

This year the Diocesan Mission Appeal is for the Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans). This is the missionary congregation to which Fr Jerome belongs.  He and Fr Terkura Igbe CSSp will be making the appeal at all Masses today.  Please be as generous as you can!

To celebrate the patron saint of music, and mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ralph Vaughan Williams, there will be a short concert in church on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 at 7pm. All are welcome - admission is free.

Friday was Armistice Day and today (Sunday) is Remembrance Sunday. The Requiem Mass with the church parade will take place at the 10am Mass. Next weekend is the solemnity of Christ the King, the last Sunday in the Church’s liturgical calendar. This is also a special day of prayer for young people which looks towards the celebration of World Youth Day which will take place next summer in Lisbon with Pope Francis.

November is the month of the Holy Souls. We had some beautiful celebrations this last week to mark All Saints and All Souls. Our prayers for the Holy Souls continue throughout the month and our Book of Remembrance will remain in place next to the Paschal Candle in church. There are some further commemorations in the parish, deanery and diocese. The dates are outlined below. We wish you all every blessing for the week ahead.

I hope everyone had a happy half-term! This week is the beginning of November, the month of the Holy Souls. Tuesday is the great solemnity of All Saints, a holy day of obligation (yes, they do still exist!) Wednesday is All Souls’ Day, the commemoration of all the faithful departed. On both days, there are three Masses here at 8am, 10am and 7.30pm. The evening Mass on Wednesday is our special Mass for our departed loved ones. Do please come along and light a candle during Mass for those who have died. If you haven’t done so already, please send in the names of the deceased to go in our Book of Remembrance. Have a good week.