Happy Easter! Today, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate God’s triumph over sin and death in the glorious resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today it is our joy and privilege to greet you all and send you many prayers, blessings and sentiments full of Christian faith and hope. We hope you are able to celebrate Easter in your homes and families. Thank you for your generosity throughout Lent and for all that you bring to the life of the parish. May God bless you all. Alleluia!

This is Holy Week. Please join us here during the Triduum to celebrate the great mysteries of our faith. We look forward to seeing you all during the week and at Easter. Please remember that later in the week, the Masses are all at special times. Bishop Sherrington will join us on Good Friday to lead the celebration of the Lord’s Passion. Please take a Holy Week poster and display this in your window at home. If you have started your school holidays, we wish you a happy break. Have a happy and holy week!

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Lent. This marks the beginning of Passiontide in the heart of the Lenten season. Next weekend will see the start of Holy Week as we will gather for Palm Sunday. Please make sure you take a leaflet home with the times of celebrations here for Holy Week and Easter. We do hope that as many people as possible will be able to join us in the celebration of the great festivities to come. These days mark the heart of our faith and the mysteries of Christ our Saviour. Have a blessed week ahead.

Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent, also known as ‘Laetare’ Sunday from the first words of the entrance antiphon in Latin; a day of rejoicing in the heart of this holy season of Lent. Today is also Mothering Sunday. We send our love, prayers and thanks to all mothers in the parish and community, and pray for our mothers who have gone to God. We hope you all have a lovely day! Our journey through Lent is going fast! Today you will find sheets in the church porch with the details about celebrations here in Holy Week. Please take one. Finally, it was lovely to see many people at Mass on St Patrick’s Day. We hope you had a good day. God bless you all.

CARDINAL’S LENTEN APPEAL 2023 Saturday 11/Sunday 12 March
Funds raised this year will be shared between the four pillars of the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal: Marriage & Family Life; Youth & Evangelisation; The Education Service and Caritas Westminster. The effects of the pandemic, followed by the cost of living crisis, are still making daily life harder for all. Price rises last year meant many families faced an impossible choice: HEAT or EAT? The Church continues to respond, with thousands of people putting their faith into action by serving those in need. Cardinal Nichols has expressed his gratitude to everyone who supports the Appeal, with whatever they can afford. And for those who can’t give financially, your time is a priceless commodity – please see the posters on how you can volunteer in the diocese and help those in need. Please take a donation envelope today, for more information. You can use the QR code to make your donation online. Thank you for your generosity.

This Lent, your donations to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal will help families fighting the climate crisis and ensure that our Church network can quickly respond to emergencies, like the recent earthquake in Syria and Turkey. Thank you all very much for your kind donations last weekend, which amounted to £1,512.07.  Envelopes are still available if you would still like to donate or use the QR code on the poster.

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent, when we hear the Gospel about the Lord’s Transfiguration on the mountain. Here we catch a glimpse of the meaning of his coming Passion, Death and Resurrection. Jesus, God’s beloved Son, is our Saviour who we are called to follow in his Paschal Mystery. This weekend, we welcome our new candidates for Confirmation who will be enrolled during the Saturday Vigil Mass at 6pm. Please pray for them and their families. Today there will be a retiring collection after all Masses for CAFOD Lent Fast Day. Also this weekend, you are invited to the parish hall after the 8.45 and 10am Masses to join in our Easter raffle! May God bless you all during this Lent and the week ahead.

The Season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday, and today is the First Sunday of Lent. In faith, let us begin this time of grace together. In Lent we are invited to renew our friendship with the Lord, principally through prayer, fasting and charity. Let us also use this time to prepare spiritually for the celebration of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus in Holy Week. We look forward to welcoming back Bishop Sherrington who will join us on Good Friday to celebrate the Lord’s Passion in this centenary year. May God bless you all this week and throughout Lent.

Today there is a pastoral letter from Cardinal Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, in preparation for the coming season of Lent which begins on Wednesday. The main part of the message will be read out at Masses this weekend. The pastoral letter may be viewed on the diocesan website  We look forward to seeing you all this week on Ash Wednesday, and again next weekend for the First Sunday of Lent. If you have been on half-term holiday we hope you had a lovely week and are ready to return to school and college. May God bless you all.

We had a lovely celebration on Friday evening in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes. Many thanks to everyone who came or who helped our celebration in any way. Thank you to Mgr Paul McGinn for joining us as the celebrant at Mass. I wish you all every blessing in this our centenary year, as the whole Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and keeps the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. This coming week is also half-term. We send you good wishes if you are on holiday from school, college or work. This coming Tuesday we will hold the meeting of the Enfield Deanery conference here at Our Lady of Lourdes in honour of her recent feast day. Please keep us in your prayers. God bless you all.

This coming Friday we are keeping our patronal feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This will be almost one hundred years since the arrival of Fr Sunn and the start of the mission here in New Southgate. Please note that there is no 8am Mass.  Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School will be present at the 10am Mass. The special Mass for the parish will be at 7pm in the evening, followed by a reception. That evening, we will welcome Mgr Paul McGinn. The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is also the World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Please join us and make every effort to come for the special occasion. We send you every blessing and good wish for the week ahead.

On Friday 10 February we will keep our patronal feast in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes, Patroness of the Parish, Church and School. There will be Mass in church at 10 am for the Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School.  In the evening, at 7 pm, there will be a special Mass for the parish. We are delighted to welcome Mgr. Paul McGinn (Parish Priest from 1990-2001) as the celebrant. After Mass, there will be a celebration in the parish hall. Please make a note of the date and be sure to join us!