Isaiah 7: 10-14
The young woman is with child and will bear a son, who will be called God-with-us.

Romans 1: 1-7
St Paul proclaims Jesus as the son of David and the Son of God.

Matthew 1: 18-24
Joseph trusts in the power of God’s Spirit and overcomes his fear.

Isaiah 35: 1-6. 10
The Prophet assures his people in exile that the Lord will come, the desert will bloom and human disabilities will be healed.

James 5: 7-10
The farmer, who plants his seeds in autumn and, after early and late rains, sees the first shoots appear, is an example of patient waiting.

Matthew 11: 2-11
John’s disciples assure him that his waiting is rewarded: the Messiah has come, the words of the prophet are fulfilled.

Isaiah 2: 1-5
Isaiah has a vision in which all peoples will stream to the Temple of the Lord, and he will establish a kingdom where there will be no more war.

Romans 13: 11-14
Paul urges the Romans to give up the ways of the night and live sober lives in the light of the day.

Matthew 24: 37-44
Jesus urges his disciples to remain awake and ready for the coming of the Son of Man.

Isaiah 11: 1-10
The messianic rule of justice overflows into a vision of a peace amidst the animal creation.

Romans 15: 4-9
Scripture gives us examples of tolerance and hope, which we are invited to follow.

Matthew 3: 1-12
John the Baptist preaches repentance and challenges those who are complacent with the coming judgement of God.

2 Samuel 5: 1-3
David is chosen as the undisputed king of Israel by all the tribes at Hebron. David was God’s choice; people agree that he alone is fit to lead God’s people.

Colossians 1: 12-20
The Son of God is the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of all creation, the one who existed before anything was created.

Luke 23: 35-43
The kingship of Jesus is recognised by the unlikeliest of people: a self-confessed criminal who admits he deserves to die for what he has done.