Via Fr Tim Finigan's blog, the Hermeneutic of Continuity , ten suggestions for Advent as we prepare for the feast of our Saviour's birth.

1. Go to Confession
2. Have some daily family prayers
3. Buy Christmas cards that portray a scene from the Nativity of Christ.

4. Say a Hail Mary when opening each window in the Advent calendar
5. Display a Christmas crib prominently in your home
6. Remind children that Christmas presents are gifts to show our love, not rights that we demand
7. Make a generous donation to a good charity
8. Visit someone who would appreciate a little of your time
9. Go to Benediction at least once to adore Our Lord (on Sundays at 5.15pm at the end of Eucharistic Adoration)
10. Read a good CTS pamphlet or one of the Holy Father’s sermons on the internet

And one more: spend time with the Lord. Eucharistic Adoration on Sunday between 1.30pm and 5.30pm.