Virgin Money Giving General Donations Click here for General Donations

Easter Collection Click here for Easter Collection

We're very grateful to you all for continuing to give generously towards our parish. Even in lockdown, the pastoral mission of the parish continues. We have important responsibilities to meet pastorally as well as the stewardship of our church and premises. We do hope that even in these difficult times, you feel able to continue contributing towards our life and work here.

Some parishioners have kindly started giving by Standing Order each month. You can request a form for this if you email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alternatively, you can see that we have set up a Virgin Money Giving page. This means you can continue to donate to our parish online. There are two links above that you can click on: one is for general donations to the parish (e.g. this might be instead of your normal weekly offertory); the second is for our Easter Collection which was not held in the usual way this year.

Many, many thanks for your generosity and your ongoing commitment to the life of our wonderful parish. God bless you all!