
Fr Tom Egan, Fr Vincent Malone, Gerard Barden, Greg Howard, Allan McGeechan, John Donnelly, Kathy Wurr, Jackie Reddington, Patrick Bolger, Mary Bolger, Felicity Brown, Ramon Landi, Michael McGowan, Tom Molloy, Maureen Molloy, Eileen Nagle, Dan Hewitt, Brian Hunt, Melanie Gibbons, Eduardo Albert.

Chair: Gerard Barden
Minutes recorded by: Greg Howard (standing in for Kevin Keenan).

Kevin Keenan, Clare O’Brien, Martin O’Brien.

Opening Prayer
The meeting opened with a prayer.

Minutes of the Last AGM on 1 July 2012
The minutes were agreed. MM suggested that there should be a closer link between Our Lady of Lourdes School and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish including the PTA which was not represented at the AGM – he was concerned that the two are a bit distant. Fr Tom said that there is a close link, but added that some of the children at the school do not attend Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Some go to St Monica’s in Palmers Green, and some to Sacred Heart in Whetstone.

Matters Arising from the Minutes
MM enquired about the setting up of a scout group for 15-18 year olds, referred to in the AGM in 2012. The Scout Troop are still looking for leaders for this age group and keen to offer this as a progression path to the Scouts.

Annual Report
This report is available in full on the parish website:

Gerard presented his report of the parish’s activities over the previous year, outlining activities under various headings, including:

The parish team
Liturgy/prayer and evangelisation
Parish repairs and renewals
Collections and appeals
Parish centre
Parish groups
Child protection
Website & IT
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School

Clare and Martin O’Brien sent apologies for their absence, but the report included a report to the annual general meeting from Ten Ten Theatre, outlining the activities of the company over the last twelve months, including their work with schools, parents, parishes, young offender institutions and with the community, and giving details of their next production.

MM pointed out that in the Fair Trade stall is incorrectly referred to in the report as the “Free Trade” stall, and queried item 6 on the report, which referred to two separate January sales, both of which raised £1,405. GB agreed to correct these details.

Financial report
PB presented a summary of financial statements, pointing out that the parish’s total assessable income was higher in 2012 than in 2011 (£194,012 as opposed to £185,766). He mentioned the Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme, which will enable the parish to claim top-up payments on small donations in loose plate of circa £5,000 PA. The parish is in good financial health and the Finance Committee meets quarterly.

Expenditure dropped over the course of the year, from £241,210 in the twelve months to 31 December 2011, to £212,760 in the year up to 31 December 2012. This can partly be accounted for the smaller expenditure on property repairs and renewals (down in 2012 to £11,415 from £22,572 in 2011, and by Fr Kevin having moved on to a different parish.

It is planned that the doors to the church will be replaced during the coming year. The church boiler will also be replaced, and the CCTV will be replaced/upgraded.

There was also some discussion of the Growing in Faith campaign. The parish raised £256,000 of its target of £320,000. Parishioners were thanked for their patience and understanding with regard to this fundraising scheme, which was not easy to organise or present. The parish hopes to receive back £65,000 of the £256,000 raised after four years.

Address by Father Tom
Father Tom thanked those present for all that they contribute to the parish. He said that he saw his ministry as a collaborative one, in which he and parishioners worked together to serve the community.  

He mentioned particularly the recent establishment within the parish of groups to help the bereaved, and those preparing for marriage. In addition, Kathy Wurr is currently trying to set up a group reaching out to the housebound and the elderly. The idea is to take elderly and/or housebound people out to tea once a month on a Sunday afternoon. The group would need volunteers, and to know who would like to be taken out in this way. More information on the group will be made available soon.

GB said that he was willing to continue as Chairman for another year. His candidacy was proposed by KW and seconded by JD.

GB confirmed Kevin Keenan has said that he is willing to continue as Secretary to the Parish Council for another year.

Brian Hunt has agreed to act as Treasurer supported by Pat Bolger as Chair of the Finance Committee.

The agenda included a long list of names of current members of the Parish Council. Of these, in addition to the names listed above, the following have agreed to serve on the council for another year:

Eduardo Albert
Felicity Brown
Patrick Bolger
John Donnnelly
Melanie Gibbons
Greg Howard
Ramon Landi

Michael McGowan (MM) was also formerly elected a member of the Parish Council for 2013/14.

An up to date register of current Councillors is needed and it was agreed this would be a matter addressed in the next Council meeting and it was suggested photo’s of Council Members should be published perhaps on the notice so that parishioners can identify Councillors.

Evangelisation and prayer
Fr Tom said that the recent parish talks on the Creed, and Vatican Council documents had been well-received. However, he also expressed concern about how the parish should reach out to people who have stopped attending Mass. How should we try to persuade them to return?

AM suggested that one thing we could do is to send such people a copy of the newsletter every week.  It was also suggested that some people attend Mass less frequently because of illness, and that people might not necessarily inform the church office when they move away from the area.

FB suggested that Our Lady of Lourdes parishioners should be encouraged to support events organised by other churches.

EA suggested that the parish might establish a prayer box as a way of reaching out to people.

MM suggested that the telephone number for Homeless Action in Barnet should be pinned up on the Parish Notice Board. He also asked if any improvements could be made to the taps in the gents’ toilets, where the flow is slow.

Father Vincent proposed a vote of thanks to Father Tom for this continue efforts and leadership of the Parish.

Three will be an open event for Parish Groups on May 19, with a view to boosting membership.

The meeting concluded with a blessing by Father Tom.