As you know, Fr Jerome has been appointed Parish Priest of St John Vianney, West Green. Fr Jerome will take up his new appointment at the beginning of September, after the summer holidays. Fr Andrew O’Connell has been appointed to take over as assistant priest here. He will begin early by celebrating some of the Sunday Masses during the summer, before officially moving in at the start of September. So there will be some overlap of the curates while I am away on my summer break. I know you will make him very welcome. Please keep them both in your prayers as they prepare for their new appointments. Please pray for those who were ordained recently as deacons and priests to serve in our diocese.

On Friday we celebrated a lovely Mass with the whole primary school in thanksgiving to God for the recent First Confessions and First Holy Communions. Thank you to all those involved. Y2 parents: please keep an eye out for the newsletter in the coming weeks about registration for the next First Holy Communion programme.

This coming Friday is the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At 7 pm we will celebrate our parish centenary Mass with Cardinal Nichols. Everyone is invited, and there will be a reception afterwards in the parish centre. A bit of advice: it might be better to walk, take public transport or park on the street as the car park will be very busy. We look forward to welcoming the Cardinal and seeing you all at this special event. The work in the church (so far) is almost concluded; the contractors will hand back the church officially on Monday. The stone work and gradine will be installed later in the year. Thank you all for your patience, generosity and support.

Thank you to the Cardinal, priests and everyone who came to our special Mass here on Friday to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and our Parish Centenary. Many thanks to everyone who helped to prepare and/or celebrate this special event. Lots of work went into the wonderful evening. Please pray that the Lord will be with us in the years ahead. Please pray for Father Jerome who has been appointed as Parish Priest of St John Vianney Parish, West Green, in addition to his role as Justice and Peace Coordinator of the Holy Ghost Fathers in Britain. Please also pray for Fr Andrew Bowden who has been appointed as Parish Priest of Poplar and Limehouse. Congratulations to them both. The appointments will begin in September.

In the past few days the builders have been installing the new device to support the statue of the Risen Christ. The scaffolding will soon be gone. The new spotlights are on the sanctuary walls. The stone for the new tabernacle pedestal and steps has proved difficult to source, ship and cut in the timeframe. This means there will be a temporary timber pedestal and steps installed in the meantime, including when the Cardinal will be here. Please rest assured that the final product will eventually be a handsome stone gradine at the back of the sanctuary, and not just wood! There are still some more final touches to go, plus the concrete floor at the back of church which still needs repainting. Thank you all.


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